

 helmet lv.3  To relax my exhaustion, usually I play with Pubg. Although it is a tuff game, it relax my stress, moreover it controls my mood. Worst game is Pubg, however best word is itself. Relax its just a bad day not  a bad life. My desire is to be Pubg pro.      

Best friend

Best friend means precious bound version of our life. Friends are always there for us, in our highs & lows, doesn't matter whether it is toxic or else normal situation. True friends are like our own family, to form a gang, we don't need more & more friends, one real gangster is enough for our vain vibe. Sometimes we have to break the rule, just to enjoy the life. Words are just like a barrel, however one real nigga will value our word.   

About teachers day

 tomorrow is a teacher's day and 3rd kings birthday too. I feel very happy celebrating teacher's day and 3rd king's birthday with my friend's and teachers in school.  😎if u like my blogger pleas follow and command me thank u.

About today

today I have test it is  vary hard for me. I am sure that I am going to fail in science. after having a test  my friend I go to  class and discus about test. on first period  our history madam  has came and shout on us because we are not doing work on  time and gives a note and explain and she go's form our class.